Average US Salaries Stretch Further in Fargo, North Dakota

When living in Fargo, North Dakota, your annual salary of $55,000 will go much farther than if you lived in a larger metro area such as New York or San Francisco. Several factors such as the cost of housing and the cost of transportation to and from your workplace are what helped SmartAsset rank cities on the best place to live in the U.S. with a median income of $50,000 to $60,000.

If you are considering relocating for a good job opportunity, contact USAFIS for all of your U.S. immigration questions. They can walk you through every step of the process. Billings, Montana, is another great location for those making a yearly wage of close to $55,000. The average commute time for most people living in this area is 15.2 minutes, and only 20.8 percent of their income is spent on housing. Appleton, Wisconsin, is a very livable place on the average income of $58,374. Only 19.8 percent of your income would be spent on housing. USAFIS can help you apply for the Green Card Lottery.